Ergonomic Tools & Guides
Ergonomic Tools & Guides
"Ergonomics is the study of how equipment and furniture can be arranged in order that people can do work or other activities more efficiently and comfortably" (Google.com/Dictionary).
The right ergonomic product must fit both the user and the intended purpose. Our website offers a wide selection of ergonomic products in many categories. The ergonomic tools accessible below will help you narrow your choices to those best suited to your needs. Be sure to check out our blog for additional articles and product reviews.
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Ergonomic Tools
- Ergonomic Office Desk, Chair and Keyboard Height Calculator: This handy tool shows what height your chair, desk, keyboard, and monitor should be placed at for maximum comfort. Positioning information is available for both seated and standing postures.
Ergonomic Product Guides
Each of our product guides explains your options, available features and their benefits, so you can more easily select the best products for your needs.
- How to Choose the Best Ergonomic Chair How well a chair fits you is a critical factor when selecting a chair. In addition to advice on how to get the right size chair, most ergonomic chairs are available with many options that impact comfort. This ergonomic guide offers advice on which features work best for different bodies and uses.
- How to Choose an LCD Monitor Arm or Stand Few products can be harder to narrow choices down than with monitor arms. Our monitor arm guide will help you get exactly what you need.
- How to Select a Keyboard Tray A lot of choices exist for keyboard trays. Our keyboard guide will teach you everything you need to know to make the best choice for your needs.
Ergonomic Product Selector Tools
Save yourself time by spending a few minutes filling out one of our short questionnaires and one of our experts will get back to you within one business day with recommendations for products that will fit your goals.
- Ergonomic Chair Selector Tool If you're like most of us, you spend a third of every day at your desk sitting in your office chair. The problem is that most chairs are not designed to support the human body for such extended periods. An ergonomic chair does more than provide exceptional comfort, it also helps prevent damage that can lead to serious injury. A truly ergonomic chair adjusts to fit your body, and our experts are here to find the perfect chair to help make you healthy and happy at work! Of course, the ideal solution to the discomfort and fatigue that comes with sitting all day is a height adjustable standing desk, which we can also help you find.
Not every ergonomic chair is right for every person. The right chair will fit you perfectly and include all of the features that you need. Let us help you decide which chair will suit you by answering a few short questions. - Ergonomic Keyboard Tray Selector Tool In a world where everyone spends hours every day typing away, a keyboard tray is a critical component of workplace ergonomics. We strongly believe that a keyboard tray is the cornerstone of a good ergonomic workstation. In fact, our Certified Professional Ergonomist consistently ranks keyboard trays among his top ergonomic recommendations. Let us help you make sure you're getting the right keyboard tray for your keyboard, your desk, and your body by answering these simple questions.
- Ergonomic Monitor Arm Selector Tool A good monitor arm will enable you to adjust the viewing level and height of your monitor throughout the day, preventing eye and neck strain. An ergonomic monitor arm can help alleviate a number of ergonomic issues from eye strain to neck strain, aid you in a more comfortable working position, and can free up valuable desk space. When trying to pick out the right monitor arm for your workspace there are any number of factors to consider, such as the size and shape of your monitors, how you will be using it, and how you plan to mount it. Let us help pick out the right monitor arm for your setup.
- Ergonomic Desk Selector Tool We spend eight, ten, sometimes twelve hours per day in our chairs and it isn't doing us any good. If you're like most people, there's a good chance you spend too much time sitting too. As a society, we are faced with living increasingly sedentary lifestyles when we should spend more time standing, walking, and moving around. An ergonomic desk will allow you to take a break and stand up, get the blood flowing, and wake up the brain. Even a brief standing break at a height adjustable desk increases circulation and cogitation, burns more calories than sitting does, and helps stave off side effects of a sedentary lifestyle. Tell us a little bit about yourself and your workspace and we'll recommend a good height adjustable desk option to you.
- Ergonomic Mat Selector Tool An ergonomic mat can provide relief to workers who spend the majority of the day standing, traction for those working in slippery environments, and a whole slew of other possibilities. Ergonomic matting encompasses a diverse range of products. Anti-fatigue mats and safety mats are designed to improve worker safety and comfort. Food service and health care mats have unique properties for greater sanitation in the areas where that is most important. Carpet mats roll out to create a stately entryway to your business. Whatever the need, there is a mat to fulfill it. Fill out our mat selector tool to let us assist in determining which style of mat is best for your application.
- Ergonomic Keyboard Selector Tool Keyboard patterns were invented in the 1800s and yet most of us still use the same basic design. Why is that? A good ergonomic keyboard will bring you (and your wrists) out of the dark ages and provide some much needed long-term relief. Ergonomic keyboards enable you to type more comfortably for longer periods of time, preventing repetitive strain injuries that begin in the hands and wrists and can work their way throughout the arms. Let us help you decide which one is right for you.
- Ergonomic Mouse Selector Tool If you spend all day on a computer, a mouse is like your extra appendage. Stop clamping down in the most unergonomic fashion and employ a tool that will help. Bad mousing habits are one of the most common causes of repetitive strain injuries, but are easily preventable with the right ergonomic mouse. Ideally, you will limit your pronation while also maintaining a relaxed grip. We can help you choose the ergonomic mouse that will give you the most overall comfort.