Healthy Body, Healthy Mind: Light Exercise Keeps Your Brain in Shape Too!
Posted by Angela P on Mar 13th 2013
I read an article once that claimed that getting a little exercise and eating an apple every day was just as effective as drinking a cup of coffee in the morning to help wake up and get your brain working. Though I'm still unwilling to kick my near-crippling caffeine addiction, I am willing to exercise more, because it turns out that even a small amount of exercise can not only keep your body in shape, it can also also help with mental acuity.
I recent health article on the Huffington Post cites a study reporting that people who get only 30 minutes of exercise per day experience much slower cognitive decline than people who get little to no exercise. This resulted in a "brain age" five to seven years younger than the subjects' actual ages.
The amount and type of exercise that can have these brain benefits doesn't even have to include intense training. Standing up more often while you work, walking around the office, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator are all simple work lifestyle changes you can incorporate into your day to reduce your risk of cognitive decline and keep your brain in shape!
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