5 Minute Fix: See Some Green to Fight Brain Fatigue
Posted by Human Solution on Apr 4th 2014
A recent study watched the brain waves of participants as they took a 25 minute stroll through variable terrain in Edinburgh, Scotland. They walked through a beautiful historic district, a green parkland, and bustling city streets. While the walk itself brought undeniable health benefits, the researchers were pleased to find another, more subtle difference: when walking through the oasis of green, the participants' brain waves became more meditative and tranquil. The opposite was true when they walked through the city streets, which caused a bit of frustration as they navigated the bustling sidewalks.
How does this affect you? The study suggests that getting outside before, after, or even during work for a quick stroll will powerfully and positively affect your mood, which can help boost your energy and productivity. Seeing green and the organized flow of nature allows our brains a rest from the chaotic world we work in and restores us to work more efficiently and happily than before, according to the study's results.
Walk while you work (a treadmill desk will help with that), and take a five minute break and walk outside if you can. If nothing else, you can change your desktop background to something like the photo above (which I'm currently using) to start reaping the benefits of a little green!
Check out TheHumanSolution.com for more ideas on how to have a happy, healthy, and productive day at work.